Pottering afternoon

I’ve been having a pottering sort of afternoon this Sunday. Drifting aimlessly around the house, trying to prepare myself for the week ahead. I do not feel ready, and the weekend seems to have passed by too quickly (it always does).


I’ve baked a cake. I’ve pointlessly rearranged small items and knick-knacks in the living room. I’ve done heaps of washing. I’ve fiddled around with some crochet. I don’t really feel like I’ve achieved anything weirdly, and just feel kind of tired. Ah well, I need to try and snap myself out of it.

I’ve started yet another project, which I already realise I will not have enough yarn to finish – more will need to be ordered but I can’t summon up the energy just now. This one will be a bedspread. Eventually. In about another month and probably a million more hexagons time!


I do love it a lot though. Weirdly, considing the colours I’ve chosen – I’m not sure they are a natural combination, but somehow when I lay out all the shapes next to each other, they seem to work.


Crochet jar covers has been my other obsession this week. I decided I needed to smarten up the study. Perhaps this was a vain attempt to get myself to actually enjoy sitting in their studying. Hmm, it’s not worked yet, but I do now have 3 jar covers



Let’s hope I can shake off my ennui before it’s time to sleep.


J xxx


Blanket happiness

I haven’t blogged about anything crafty for a while now, so I thought it’s about time I slotted something in. It’s not for lack of activity – as per usual with me there has been a whole lot of activity happening that I simply haven’t had time to put together into a post.

I’m really long over due for a catch up – I think I must have finished knitting two sweaters and one cardigan since I last blogged about anything crafty, but I’m so behind I haven’t event gotten around to taking photographs of most of it!


I’m actually going to go in reverse order I think, and talk about something I’ve just begun this weekend, rather than sharing the things I’ve already completed – typical me, rushing ahead to the next thing already!

I’ve actually taken the probably unwise step of letting myself work on 2 blanket projects at the same time. It’s been a while since I’ve tackled a blanket – I think the last one I completed was my summery ripple, last year.

The first and most recent blanket which I’ve been working on is a granny stripe, the beginnings of which are shown in the picture above. I actually only started working on this this bank holiday weekend. It was inspired by my recent Cornwall holiday. Given my colour choices this may be a surprise, but it’s actually inspired by the Cornish coast.

The reason I say this may be a surprise is because looking at my colour choices, I think I probably haven’t chosen shades you might typically associate with the coast. You might, not unreasonably, expect a coastal inspired creation to feature more shades of blue and perhaps a little gold and yellow thrown in to represent sandy beaches?

I wouldn’t disagree with you, and indeed, not long after I’d started on this blanket I stumbled across Lucy of Attic 24’s coastal ripple from a few years ago, which very much contains those kinds of colours – you can see her post about it here. My own coastal blanket is pretty different, colour-wise I think. Don’t get me wrong, I think Lucy’s is lovely. It just struck me when I came across her post how differently we can all see things and how much fun that makes life.

My own coastal inspiration has pink in it, and no yellow. Maybe if I tell you that this colour palette was inspired by the following views it might start to make sense:




Do you see the same kinds of things I see looking at the above snaps? I see pinks, lavendar purple, silvery shades of grey as well as rich and vibrant blues and greens…

Also some of the inspiration can from the beautiful colours on the inside of this shell, which I bought for a few pounds in St Ives:




I’m not sure what you might think of my colour choices – I have a feeling they may be something of an acquired taste, at least in the beginning. But I’m hoping that as the blanket grows they will acquire a sort of harmony, with the stronger shades of blue, green and pink being set off by the softer pinks, lilacs and greys. Would love to know what you think of my choices – like them or not? What colours do you think of when you think of the coast?

J xx